Cothú Library – Official Opening

We celebrated the Official Opening of the Cothú Library at Scoil Chonglais today. We were honoured to welcome back past pupil and acclaimed author, Mr. Seamus O’ Brien. Mr. O’ Brien told us of the journey that led him to having two books published. Mr. O’ Brien has two nieces in our school, Eimear and Aoife who were involved in today’s special event. We also welcomed Deputy Edward Timmins and Mr Michael Brown (Chairperson of BOM) to officially open the library with Mr O’ Brien. We thank our Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl, JP Kearney Kehoe and Ciara Fleming for their address to the guests. Well done to our Trad Group who provided music and to our students who recited poetry, played music, baked and organised flowers etc. in preparation for this special event. We sincerely thank our Parents Council for their extremely generous donation to our school library and for their unwavering support to the school community. A special thank you to Ms. Sharon Kehoe and Ms. Elma Nolan and their dedicated team of students who have worked tirelessly to complete this project. We are grateful to everyone who made this library such a success. We know that this library will play a pivotal role in “Empowering Minds, Shaping Futures and Celebrating Success”.

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