Scoil Chonglais Post Primary School

Leaving Certificate

The Leaving Certificate (Established) is a two-year Programme that aims to provide learners with a broad, balanced education while also offering them a chance to specialise towards particular higher education and career options.

In general, students take five or more subjects (usually seven) for examination, one of which must be Irish. Subjects are normally studied at either Ordinary or Higher Level. Two subjects, Irish and Mathematics, can be studied at Foundation Level.

Syllabuses are available in 36 subjects. Each of these belongs to a subject group as shown below. Two subjects, Home Economics and Physics and Chemistry, belong to two

Languages group
English, French, German, Irish, Italian, Latin, Greek, Spanish, Arabic, Japanese, Russian, Classical Studies, Hebrew Studies

Science group
Applied Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Physics and Chemistry

Business studies group
Accounting, Business, Economics

Applied science group
Agricultural Science, Construction Studies, Engineering, Home Economics, Physics and Chemistry, Design and Communication Graphics, Technology, Computer Science, Physical Education

Social studies group
Art, Geography, History, Home Economics, Music, Politics and Society, Religious Education

In addition to these subjects, the State Examinations Commission will provide examinations in any of the recognised languages of the European Union, where the status of the applicant/candidate is seen as appropriate.

Leaving Certificate Established in Scoil Chonglais:

All students study the mandatory Core Examination subjects of English, Irish and Maths

All students study the additional non examination Core Subjects of Personal Development and
Wellbeing (PDW), Physical Education and Career Guidance

Students also select 4 subjects from the following electives: Business, Accounting, French, German,
Design & Communication Graphics (DCG), Engineering, Construction Studies, Art, Physics, Chemistry,
Biology, Agricultural Science, Home Economics (Social & Scientific), History, Geography, Music.

Grading System:

The New Leaving Cert Grading System awards marks from a HI to a H8 or an O1 to an O8
H1/O1 90-100
H2/O2 80-89
H3/O3 70-79
H4/O4 60-69
H5/O5 50-59
H6/06 40-49
H7/O7 30-39
H8/O8 0-29

Scoil Chonglais Post Primary School,
Co. Wicklow

059 648 1449

© 2024 Scoil Chonglais Post Primary School