School Self Evaluation (SSE):
School Self Evaluation is a collaborative, inclusive, reflective practice of school review (DES School Self Evaluation Guidelines Pg.10). It was introduced in schools in 2012 and it is a process which involves reflective enquiry leading to action planning for improvement. It affirms good practice in schools while helping to identify areas for improvement. All partners are involved in this review.
The SSE Process is a cyclical process and is represented in this chart below:
In our current round of SSE here in Scoil Chonglais, our focus is on the following areas:
- Literacy
- Numeracy
- Active Learning Methodologies
- Student Engagement in their own learning.
We are also involved in a Forbairt Project (PDST) which is examining the use of Bloom’s Taxonomy to reach all abilities in a mixed ability setting thus facilitating high quality learning.
School Self Evaluation (SSE):
School Self Evaluation is a collaborative, inclusive, reflective practice of school review (DES School Self Evaluation Guidelines Pg.10). It was introduced in schools in 2012 and it is a process which involves reflective enquiry leading to action planning for improvement. It affirms good practice in schools while helping to identify areas for improvement. All partners are involved in this review.
The SSE Process is a cyclical process and is represented in this chart below:
In our current round of SSE here in Scoil Chonglais, our focus is on the following areas:
- Literacy
- Numeracy
- Active Learning Methodologies
- Student Engagement in their own learning.
We are also involved in a Forbairt Project (PDST) which is examining the use of Bloom’s Taxonomy to reach all abilities in a mixed ability setting thus facilitating high quality learning.
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