Scoil Chonglais Post Primary School

Online Talk for Parents

Online Talk for Parents

Brainbox Parent Talk (click link for Poster)

Scoil Chonglais

Supporting Your Child’s Return to School During COVID-19

1. Talking to your child about COVID-19

Topics covered in this part of the talk are: dealing with uncertainty, what Covid-19 has been like for teenagers and communication tips for parents.

  1. Building resilience in teens

Characteristics of adolescence are discussed, including peer group influence. Five tips for building emotional resilience in teens are also presented.
3. Re-establishing a routine for school

Parenting tips on teen sleep, healthy screen time and social media usage.

  1. Time management

Organisational and academic skills that students need to settle back into school life and to perform to the best of their ability in class tests, CBAs and state exams.
5. A game plan for positive well-being

The final part of the talk covers what we can do to manage our feelings, how to provide constructive criticism and the importance of connecting with others.


Evan Costigan is a guidance counsellor and psychologist with a keen interest in student well-being. He has worked with thousands of students in over 300 schools and colleges at all levels of the education system. With over 20 years' teaching experience, he understands how issues in young people’s lives can impact negatively on their motivation and academic performance, and the unique challenge posed by COVID-19 for school communities this coming year.

Scoil Chonglais Post Primary School,
Co. Wicklow

059 648 1449

© 2025 Scoil Chonglais Post Primary School