1st year Heritage (History & Geography) and Wellbeing trip, 16th May 2023
27th April 2023
Dear Parent or Guardian,
It’s hard to believe that the time has flown past so quickly, but we are almost at the last month of your child’s first year in secondary school. We are really impressed with the kindness, skills and abilities of our first year students. They are a pleasure to work with every day, and we take this opportunity to commend them highly.
We are planning a History & Geography trip to the National Heritage Park in Ferrycarrig on May 16th www.irishheritage.ie to include a guided tour of the Irish National Heritage Park with a costumed guide, as well as bus travel to and from the park. We will finish the day with one hour of bowling at Leisure Max in Enniscorthy. The cost of this trip will be €36.50. Between here and the final payment date of Friday May 12th, you may pay the amount in one sum, or in installments using a Way2Pay link provided by our office here at Scoil Chonglais.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me: emerliston@kwetb.ie, or by phoning the office: 059-648 1449.
Thanks and best wishes,
Emer Liston
Year Head, Scoil Chonglais
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I am the parent/guardian of __________________________ and I hereby give permission for him/her to participate in the planned trip to the Irish National Heritage Park & Enniscorthy Leisure Max on May 16th. I understand that the cost of the trip is €36.50, and the final date for payment is Friday May 12th. I understand that the sum of €36.50 includes entry to two venues, and bus travel leaving from and returning to Scoil Chonglais.
Signed: _____________________________________